Donna & I met with the doctor again & we read over the experimental drug treatment info & I decided to go ahead with it. The drug is a toxin from the diptheria virus that is attracted to the receptors on Leukemia cells. It is suppose to go after the receptors & destroy the Leukemia cells, leaving room for healthy cells to grow (if I have any) or put me in remission. I would not be starting for at least two weeks from last Monday as I have more testing of my blood, heart & lungs before hand.
I still prefer GOD's way which is not toxic. I am still praying for complete recovery before the treatment starts so I can tell the doctors there is a more excellent way (1 Corinthians 12:31). Jesus Christ took care of my disease through His broken body on the cross at Calvary
(1 Corinthians 11:24). It is finished (John 19:30). My life is ultimately in the hands of my Heavenly Father (John 10:27-30). The best hands to be in. Amen?
Thank you for your prayers & support.
Jeremy, Donna & Judah