Hello to all my family, friends & fellow bloggers. I hope all is well with everyone. I must say its nice to be home again even though my time away was good for me spiritually. I got a lot of time to read the Bible & talk to God in prayer. I had some times of refreshing in my room. If someone would have walked in, I'm sure they would have thought that I was crazy or something. Satan sure didn't like that too much & he really put on the pressure the next week. I was starting to feel very tired & a heavy spirit of oppression had come over me. The treatment drugs probably didn't help. It was on a Monday morning that this started & by Tuesday evening after much Bible study, prayer & talking with a friend for a while I was starting to get a break through. It just so happened that my nurse that night was a new Christian too. We ended up talking for close to an hour about Biblical issues. It was very encouraging to me. God new just what I needed to get the joy back. Glory be to Him!It is sure nice to have Donna back home. Judah was thrilled to see her when she got back & hasn't wanted to let her out of his sight since. Donna's 28th birthday was on April 6, & thanks to mom & dad we where able to get away for a night at the Best Western in Abbotsford (a jacuzzi suite). It was nice to have some time alone with Donna. We sure would have a hard time being away from Judah for too long though. Donna found it difficult being away from Judah & I when she was away for that week. I sure missed them as well when I was at the Cancer Agency. At least I got to see Judah on the weekend as I had a pass for the Saturday & Sunday.I finished my treatment at the Cancer Agency on March 31. The treatment had no effect on stopping the growth of the cancer cells. The last blood test showed continued increase. The doctor talked to me about going on a chemo drug that would help keep me comfortable until I die. I have chosen not to go on it, as I still believe that God will deliver me in His time. I have been doing good still. Sometimes I feel some symptoms come now & again, but I keep going to God about that & remind the devil that my life is in God's hands not his.God has blessed us with lots of support from family & friends. Thank you for helping us through this difficult situation. Will you continue to fight with us? We're almost there & the devil is in a panic because he knows that his time is short. He will do every thing in his power to try & get me & you to except that the disease will take my life. Will you agree with us in prayer & demand what ever is left of the disease (symptoms) to get off me in Jesus name. The Bible gives a principle regarding health in Proverbs 3:5-8;
5Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
7Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
8It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.
Thank God for His Word. I can't say enough about how encouraging it has been to me. The best way to get to know God is through the reading of His Word. The more time we spend in it, the more we get to know God. Everything there is to know about God is in His Word (the Bible), so why wouldn't we want to spend more time reading & studying it? There I go again. I just can't help but share something with you all that I have found to be helpful & encouraging to me. I look forward to writing soon to share more of what God has been doing in my life & the life of my family.
I just wanted to say a special thank you to: Dani, Janette, Auntie Val & Uncle Jon, April, Robyn, Bill & Sharon, Kirk, Barb (3yr Cancer survivor), Judah (from a Christian forum), Serfmann, Melodey & Missb for your encouraging comments that you left for me. I would also like to thank my good friend Kendal for getting this blog site up & running for me.
Bye for now.
All the Best
God Bless
Jeremy, Donna, Judah & Baby(due July 20)